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Teaching by

Prophet Yemane


Trials and Triumph: Following Jesus's path

Jesus Christ awaited the anointing of the Holy Spirit before commencing His mission. The initial action of the Holy Spirit was to lead Jesus into the wilderness for forty days of testing. Following this period of testing, Jesus successfully conquered principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spirits of wickedness. A believer cannot effectively carry out God's missionary work without overcoming these forces of darkness. To thrive in the physical realm, one must first triumph over these spiritual entities.

The journey of a faithful Christian begins and concludes with trials, yet victory is assured. As believers, we must recognize that trials accompany our commitment to following Jesus. Those undergoing hardship should glorify God, understanding that such trials are a progression from one level of glory to another. It is crucial to understand that how we handle trials significantly influences their outcomes.

When faced with trials, refrain from complaining and instead continue to praise God. Engaging in a battle against your problems only empowers them; however, maintaining a posture of praise causes them to diminish. Simply continue praising God, and your problems will gradually lose their grip.

The spiritual resilience of many believers tends to diminish during times of trial, yet it need not be so. Jesus Himself was led by the Holy Spirit into forty days of testing to fulfill His mission. If a Christian is not encountering hardships, the authenticity of their spiritual journey may be called into question. As stated in James 1:2, we are encouraged to regard all trials with joy. Depending on one's capacity to endure various challenges, they will either emerge victorious or succumb as a victim.

The initial triumph achieved by Jesus was overcoming the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spirits of wickedness.

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