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Teaching by

Prophet Yemane

Silhouette of Dove carrying olive leaf branch flying in Circle barbed wire on sunset backg

The transformative power of the Holy Spirit

We have many believers who are well-versed in scriptures but lack corresponding good works. They possess a thorough education in theology, yet lack the transformative power to impact people's lives. Similar was the case with Jesus before He received the Holy Spirit. Jesus, growing up, immersed Himself in the scriptures within the Jewish temple. His profound understanding of the scriptures aroused envy among scholars. However, He remained an ordinary individual until the Holy Spirit came upon Him.

The Holy Spirit is indispensable for effecting significant change in our lives. Regardless of our knowledge, talents, gifts, or abilities, we cannot achieve anything in the kingdom of God without the presence of the Holy Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who brings us the anointing necessary to revive the church today. The church requires disciples who possess a deep understanding of the kingdom of God and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus did not perform miracles until He was thirty years old, yet His teachings were remarkable. While Jesus's teachings astonished those around Him, they did not necessarily lead to transformative change in their lives. He refrained from performing miracles during that period because He did not yet possess the power of God. Although He was the Son of God, when He came into this world, He assumed an ordinary human form like us. He did not embody His divine nature because God intended the universe solely for human habitation. Spiritual beings cannot manifest in this world without assuming a human body. Thus, Jesus, as God, had to enter the world in human form. When a son of God enters the world in human form, he must await the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to fulfill his mission.

Brethren, we require the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We must await His presence if we desire to fulfill God's calling in our lives. Jesus waited eighteen years for the Holy Spirit. Salvation alone does not signify being filled with the Holy Spirit; it merely signifies that we are sealed as the property of our Lord Jesus Christ. Until He reached thirty years of age, Jesus's nature was similar to ours, yet no one has attained the level Jesus reached after turning thirty.

To reach that level, we must become disciples.

Before receiving the Holy Spirit, Jesus did not wield significant influence. However, upon receiving the Holy Spirit, as recounted in Matthew 3:16-17, God proclaimed Him as "my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." In that moment, Jesus received God’s grace, power, and divine presence. His purpose shifted when the omniscient Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove.

Matthew 4:1 tells us that "Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Many of us pray for the Holy Spirit to protect us from the devil, don’t we? Yet, the first action of the Holy Spirit is to lead you to confront your enemies so that His power may be revealed through you. He empowers you to triumph over your adversaries. Jesus, too, was led to be tested by the archenemy of all evil for forty days and forty nights. When you pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you, you are essentially praying to face great trials.

While the Holy Spirit guides you into trials, He equips you with the power to overcome them. Upon Jesus's return from the wilderness, a man possessed by a demon in the temple exclaimed, "What have we to do with you, Lord? Have you come to destroy us?". Why did this man not make such a declaration when Jesus frequented the temple for eighteen years? Despite Jesus preaching about the kingdom of God for eighteen years, He failed to stir anyone. However, once filled with the Holy Spirit, demons began to manifest around Him.

God has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, as stated in Joel 2:29, "I will pour out my spirit on all flesh." It is time for the Holy Spirit to dwell within you.

May the Holy Spirit manifest in your life, spirit, and ministry.

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