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Prophecy given by Prophet Yemane in November 2022

Peace be to you, saints of the living God, watching this video worldwide.

I am your brother Yemane from CJFAN Ministry.

Today, I would like to share a word of God with you. I also have a short message for you. Praise the Lord.

As I have spoken about in the past, we can all see the significant event that has recently taken place in our region (horn of Africa). I encourage you to pray and seek God’s face about this.

Just as God has spoken in the past through His spirit, the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front are at the beginning stages of reconciliation. God spoke about this in the past.

God will intervene in the conflict between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. God has already intervened in this situation.

This is the prophecy I am here to share with you. God has already intervened in this situation.

God has sent his angels, and He is present there.

I don’t want any of you to be afraid. I want you to pray for God to end the conflict.

You might have heard the media say there is no hope for this situation, but that’s not right because God has intervened.

I am giving you this prophecy when there is no sign of reconciliation between these two parties.

God will intervene in the conflict between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, and these two parties will make peace.

The Ethiopian government has agreed on a peace deal with Tigrayan rebels after two years of fighting. The cessation of hostilities was announced in Pretoria, where the two warring sides have been holding negotiations.

There was a surge in fighting before the diplomatic breakthrough mediated by the African Union.

At least half a million people have died from fighting, hunger, and disease related to the conflict in the region.

I would always advise you, brethren, to be careful and wise. We were commanded to evaluate a prophecy, not to protest it.  When you hear a prophecy from anyone, evaluate it before you make any conclusions about it. You don’t accomplish anything by approving or rejecting a prophecy. As wise people, servants of God, people who possess God’s spirit, and followers of Christ, we should analyze and meditate on every prophecy we hear.

In the Bible, we find a prophet named Amos in Amos 3:7. Amos was born to a family of shepherds and was a shepherd himself. There were no prophets or men of God in his ancestry when God revealed himself to Him. Underline this verse. “When God was revealed to Him,” Amos wrote, “God revealed himself to me and took me and commanded me to prophecy to the nation of Israel.”

Therefore, if God reveals himself to you and takes your spirit, and if it’s His will to communicate with you face to face, you speak what He tells you. You don't speak according to politics, emotions, or this world's system. (However, people will interpret the prophecy in different ways.

I am here before you to give a prophecy. God bless you. Examine this prophecy. If the spirit of God is in you and He speaks to you, we shouldn’t rush to find fault in the message because whatever we say can turn around and harm us. 


Amos 3:7-8 says, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. The lion has roared—who will not fear? The Sovereign Lord has spoken— who can but prophesy?” Listen to this again; The lion has roared—who will not fear? The Sovereign Lord has spoken— who can but prophesy?”

This verse indicates that you cannot give prophecy if God is not speaking to you. If you see a brother or sister prophesying, it means God is speaking through them. God doesn’t carry out anything on earth without informing his servants. For example, God says, “Yemane, tragic events will take place in your country so warn your people.” As messengers of God, we (prophets) speak on behalf of God.

Today, as God has spoken, you can see a peace agreement between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. Pray for them. People live with the consequences of their choices, so if these two parties choose to maintain the peace God has given them, they will succeed. People live by choice, so God says if you do this, you will receive that. “if,” “if” … God doesn’t interfere in our lives without our consent. Why is that? Because that’s how he created us. Therefore, we should pray about this issue. I caution that we keep God’s blessings with wisdom and high regard.

These two parties have signed the peace agreement, which is excellent. The particulars of the peace agreement are privy to them. However, I warn those parties to refrain from being content as the current Eritrean regime is in power.  I am giving you a code. You must be careful since the Eritrean regime is in power. I am explicitly warning the leaders of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front because the peace agreement is making them too complacent. Hence, I am warning you.

I am saying all this because I have seen meetings about this taking place in the spiritual realm. The message I received from the meetings (in spirit) is that the Eritrean regime plans to use the peace agreement for a destructive purpose. I am especially warning the leaders of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front to pay close attention to this matter. I won’t speak in detail about this, but I am directing this at you because you understand what I’m saying and why I’m saying it.

As I said, the peace you have now is from God, but if you fail to maintain it, it will be to your detriment. I am warning the heads of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front not to rush into action. You must be careful as long as the Eritrean regime is in power. Heed my warning. The warning I am giving you now. I am not speaking in detail. If you don’t heed this warning, the Eritrean regime will destroy you and then bring destruction to itself. I am telling you the plan. Listen to all of the prophecies I have given before.

Again, I am warning you. The peace you have now is from God. The current peace agreement between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front. If you are not careful to maintain this peace, destruction will come upon you. Hence, I am warning you ahead of time.

Again, I am warning you. The peace you have now is from God, but if you’re not careful to keep this peace, more destruction will come upon you. This message I’m giving you is not based on any political assessment. God commanded me to provide you with this message regardless of whether you accept it. I’m speaking again. No one listened to the messages I gave years ago.  I was even prosecuted for them.

I am giving you this message when there are no signs. Pay attention to this. The current peace is from God, so maintain it carefully. But if the Eritrean regime is not removed, you should ensure to uphold the core articles of the peace agreement, which prioritize the safety and stability of your region. Otherwise, the Eritrean regime will destroy you and then destroy itself. First, you will be destroyed; then it will be destroyed. However, if you heed this warning, you will save yourself and your people. God bless you.

My second message is that I saw a group who disapprove of the peace agreement gathered to devise a plan to assassinate Dr. Abiy Ahmed.  As people of God, we ought to pray for their plan to fail. We should pray against it because God hates the death of any person. You might have different opinions about this. You might say murderers should be murdered, but God is not a man. God extends mercy to everyone, whether they are kind, cruel, murderers, thieves, or rapists. God gives us a chance till the end. Again, I warn you that there is a group against the current peace which is planning to assassinate the leader of the Ethiopian government, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, so please provide security for him. We have to pray for him. I won't speak in detail about this matter.I only want to speak in detail with the relevant persons. I’m giving you this message because I want you to pray for the safety of Dr. Abiy. There is an evil plan against Dr. Abiy because some groups want the peace agreement to fail. I want us to be vigilant in praying. I advise the people close to Dr. Abiy to provide strong security for him so God can maintain the peace in the region. God bless you. This is the message I had for today. People of God, church leaders, believers, and those who understand God’s will, I urge you to fast and pray. Let us all fast and plead with God. Pray for God to keep the peace in the horn of Africa and our nation.


God bless you, and I love you. This is the message God gave to me, and I had to proclaim it. Only those who have participated in the meetings in the hidden world can give you this message. There is no other way you would know this. I gave you this message without bias towards any party. I gave you this message because God doesn’t want death and destruction. We should always be careful. We must heed God’s warning.

God bless you. Thank you.

Prophecy about the Ethiopian and Tigrayan Peace Deal

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