Know the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is not wind or power or energy or anointing. The Holy Spirit is God himself. Can you see how valuable you are to be given God? The greatest promise Jesus gave us at the end of his earthly ministry was that he would send us God. He said I will send you "the Comforter, the Holy Spirit." Jesus said, “I will leave, and I will send you God." The father is God. Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is God. Receiving the Holy Spirit means receiving the same sovereign God that created the universe. Most believers see the Holy Spirit as lesser than the father or the son, but that's not the reality. The father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all equally God. Before Jesus left, he promised us that he would send the Holy Spirit to enable us to fulfill the great commission. You can only complete your mission on earth with the power of the Holy Spirit. You cannot serve God without the Holy Spirit. You can’t pastor, prophesy, heal or deliver without the Holy Spirit. You cannot discern the will of God without the Holy Spirit.
We cannot judge the validity of a man’s calling solely based on the scriptures. We have to ask the Holy Spirit for discernment. The bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so we should seek the Holy Spirit before we search the scriptures. We should seek
the author of the bible more than the bible. I am saying
this because I see many brothers and sisters
inadvertently rising against men sent by the Holy Spirit.
In Genesis 17: 1-17, we read that God gave our father Abraham
the covenant of circumcision. God said, “I enter into an eternal
covenant with you and your offspring. The covenant is for the men among you to be circumcised.” Abraham obeyed the command and kept the covenant for thousands of years. As a result, all of the Israelite men were circumcised on the eighth day after birth.
When the Holy Spirit came to Apostle Paul, he sent him to spread the gospel worldwide. One of the teachings he gave him was that circumcision doesn't have eternal significance. Eternal salvation depends solely on accepting Jesus Christ as your savior. This teaching by Paul that says circumcision has no value is only found in Galatians. We cannot find this teaching anywhere else in the bible. This teaching is based on a revelation that Paul received from the Holy Spirit. Paul teaches that the Israelites receive salvation by accepting Jesus Christ, not by observing the laws, including circumcision. When Paul was introducing this teaching to the Jews, he was called a heretic. The Jews rejected him because his teaching was contrary to the covenant God made with their forefathers, but they were inadvertently rising against God's will.
Brethren, it’s vitally more beneficial for us to find the author than the book.
Paul said God sent him, but the Jews refused him, saying his teachings are contrary to the scriptures. On the surface, the Jews appear to be right because their argument was based on the written scripture. However, they were rising against God’s will for their lives.
I urge you to invite the Holy Spirit to reveal to you God's plan. We have to know what the Holy Spirit says at all times. God's plan is not fixed in the past. He is always at work.
"You cannot serve God without the Holy Spirit."