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Teaching by

Prophet Yemane


Guidance of the Holy Spirit

The guidance of the Holy Spirit holds paramount importance in the life of a Christian. The stronger our relationship with the Holy Spirit, the more successful we become in both our spiritual and physical endeavors.

The Holy Spirit reveals to us our destiny.

In Luke 2:25-35, we encounter Simeon, a devout servant of God, through whom the Holy Spirit disclosed the destiny of Jesus while He was still a babe in arms.

  “…Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against…”. 

The guidance of the Holy Spirit catalyzes transformation, empowering individuals to become agents of change in the world.

In Matthew 27:19, we learn that Pilate's wife received a dream, revealing to her the innocence of Jesus, and she implored Pilate not to harm Him. This dream was bestowed upon her by the Holy Spirit.

Pilate, influenced by his wife's warning, ceremoniously washed his hands before the crowd, proclaiming his innocence of Jesus' blood. The people, however, took responsibility, declaring, "His blood is on us and on our children!" (Matthew 27:24-25). Subsequently, from the time of Jesus until 1947, Israel has endured turmoil and suffering.

Therefore, it is imperative for Christians to heed the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as He bestows upon us the spirit of discernment and wisdom.

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