Don't Judge Without the Holy Spirit
At one point during his earthly ministry, Jesus asked his disciples who they thought he was. They answered him saying, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus replied, “But who do you say I am?". Then Peter said, "you are the Christ, the son of the living God." Jesus replied, "this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.”
Brethren, we cannot know Jesus without the holy spirit. The reason the Jews didn't believe in Jesus was that they relied solely on their scriptures. So likewise, many of us have inadvertently risen against God by judging men of God based solely on scriptures.
We read in the bible that God came to Hosea the Prophet and told him to marry a prostitute and have children with her. How could God command a prophet to marry a prostitute when he established a law that orders adulterers to be stoned to death? Brethren, how could the Jews at that time use the scriptures to confirm if Hosea married the prostitute based on his carnal desire or based on God’s command? If Hosea was judged solely based on the scriptures, he would have been stoned to death.
In the bible, we read that God told Prophet Isaiah to inform King Hezekiah to get his house on order because he will die of his illness. After Prophet Isaiah said the King, the King wept and begged God for forgiveness. God heard the King's prayers and told Prophet Isaiah to say to the King that he has extended his life by 15 years. From this story, we learn that God can change his plans quickly. No one can stop him from doing that. Nowadays, if a prophet of God prophesized that a man would die shortly and a few days later he prophesized the man has 15 more years to live, we would have called him a false prophet.
Brethren, I urge you to seek the person of the Holy Spirit.
There are great men of God that have risen among us,
but many of us reject them if what they say doesn’t align with our understanding of the scriptures. Therefore, I advise you not to rush into judging men of God without consulting the Holy Spirit.
We can only know the spirit of a person in two ways. We can know them by their fruits or by a revelation from the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit doesn’t speak to you about someone, observe their works to determine their beliefs. Although it's better to hear from the Holy Spirit, judging people on their fruits is better than judging based on what they say. Only the Holy Spirit knew who impregnated Mary. Only the Holy Spirit revealed the nature of Jesus to Peter. Only the Holy Spirit knew why Hosea married the prostitute.
I urge you not to rush into judging men of God without consulting the Holy Spirit. People who rise against true men of God face consequences because they are rising against the will of God.
"Seek the person of the Holy Spirit."