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Teaching by

Prophet Yemane


Divine rules and the triumph of Jesus

God, in His creation of the universe, established rules and principles to govern it. Every aspect of this universe operates according to these rules and principles. Adam, entrusted by God with dominion over the earth, was provided with guidelines to manage and utilize its resources. All human inventions stem from the exploitation of the earth's resources. However, Adam, regrettably, failed to adhere to the rules and principles set forth by God. With Adam's fall, Satan usurped his position, resulting in a significant power shift. As Satan assumed Adam's role, he became entitled to the same reverence that God received on earth. In the Old Testament, we find mention of the Israelites sacrificing one goat to God and another to Satan, as described in Leviticus chapter 16.

Leviticus 16:8, “And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the LORD and the other for Azazel.”

Azazel is an Israelite term that signifies "a spirit of the wilderness" or "evil spirit." According to the established rules and principles of the earth by God, the Israelites were obligated to sacrifice one goat to Satan following the fall of Adam. Satan began demanding the same sacrificial offering as God. This illustrates the just nature of our God, who establishes and upholds His rules and principles.

The Israelites adhered to the practice of sacrificing to Satan until the advent of Jesus. Upon His baptism, the first action Jesus undertook was to venture into the wilderness to be tested by Satan. Despite Satan's attempts, he could not prevail over Jesus, who emerged victorious in that encounter. Hallelujah!

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