Christ Jesus for All Nations Ministry (CJFAN), founded by Yemane Gebremariam, has a profound mission: to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and nurture disciples in nations across the globe.
CJFAN Ministry is dedicated to realizing God's supreme purpose for humanity, namely, to attain the fullness of Jesus Christ. Achieving this spiritual depth necessitates the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Thankfully, God has blessed us with mentors and guides who equip us with the essential tools to ascend to this divine level.
As it says in Ephesians 4: 11-13,
"And He (Jesus Christ) gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.”
God is the supreme and eternal creator of the universe, and there is but one God. God exists as three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God reigns as the ultimate authority and sustainer of all creation. Having no origin or conclusion, God perpetually labors towards the redemption of humanity, guiding us towards His image and likeness.
Jesus Christ is God the Son, a distinct person within the Holy Trinity. He shares equal divinity with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ embodies both full humanity and full divinity, making Him the exclusive entity capable of restoring humanity to God's likeness.
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ served as a sacrificial atonement for the sins of humanity, and His resurrection by God further underscores His divine nature. Salvation hinges on the profound belief in Jesus Christ's sacrificial death and His triumphant resurrection. It is through this unwavering faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ that one finds the pathway to heaven.
The Holy Spirit is the divine God, coequal with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). He is the sole guardian of Earth's creatures, residing here to offer guidance, protection, and growth to the Church of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers and inspires individuals, both men and women, who are called by Jesus into ministry.
Humanity is crafted in the image and likeness of God, comprising a tripartite nature: body, soul, and spirit. The physical body serves as the vessel for our spirit, with our soul and spirit being of a divine and eternal essence. While our body is the tangible aspect of our existence, our soul and spirit possess a transcendent quality, providing us with the means to exert influence and triumph in the material world.
Sin is the violation of God's divine law and order. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, passing on to all of humanity. As a consequence of Adam's transgression, humanity fell short of attaining the glory of God. Thus, there arises a profound need for mankind to be reconciled with God. Salvation stands as a gracious gift from God, serving as the means by which we can be reunited with Him.
To receive salvation, one must have faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus, who died for our sins and emerged from death to eternal life. It's vital to recognize that while salvation is freely given, we bear the significant responsibility of upholding it through righteous living and obedience to God's divine will.
The church is regarded as the body of Christ, encompassing two distinct facets: the first-born church and the worldwide church. The first-born church is the celestial assembly, comprised of saints who have fulfilled their earthly mission and now reside in a spiritual paradise. In contrast, the worldwide church consists of believers who are currently present in the physical realm. Notably, the church is under the sole guidance of the Holy Spirit, with Jesus serving as its head.
Ministers are individuals, both men and women, chosen by the Holy Spirit to guide the church on behalf of Jesus Christ. Those led by the Holy Spirit serve as genuine ambassadors of God's kingdom here on Earth. They endeavor to emulate the character and conduct of Jesus in all aspects of their lives. It's crucial to understand that ministers are ultimately accountable to Jesus for their service in the ministry.
The Bible stands as the singular book authored under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It serves as the profound revelation of God's thoughts, plans, and purposes to His faithful servants. Comprising visions, dreams, and divine revelations granted to His chosen ones, the Bible encompasses 66 books that narrate the history of the past. Moreover, the Bible imparts valuable lessons on placing our trust in God and fostering our individual faith.
Baptism, in its essence, signifies being "immersed in" or "covered by." It encompasses two distinct types: baptism by water and baptism by the Holy Spirit. Baptism by water symbolizes the transition from a life of sin to one of righteousness, signifying a spiritual rebirth. On the other hand, baptism by the Holy Spirit entails being enveloped in the divine presence of God. Those who experience this baptism are divinely appointed for the ministry of Jesus Christ.
The Lord's Supper holds a profound spiritual significance as it symbolizes partaking in the body and blood of Jesus Christ, signifying our union with Him. It serves as an act of remembrance and gratitude for the everlasting life that Jesus Christ has provided. Through the Lord's Supper, we become participants in the eternal life brought about by Christ.
Indeed, the belief is that Jesus Christ will return to Earth, not only to gather His faithful followers and bring them to heaven but also to establish a thousand-year reign on Earth known as the Millennium. His return is associated with both judgment upon all creatures and the granting of eternal rest to believers.
Fellowship entails the congregation of believers in the worship of God, fostering a deeper bond of love among them. It also provides an opportunity for non-believers to partake in the experience of God's love through the company of believers. This sense of fellowship plays a pivotal role in the work of salvation by enabling believers to share the gospel with those who have yet to embrace it.